Start Date - June 8th 2011

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Thursday, June 30, 2011

#3 - When I get that hunger sensation- just be willing sit with it, and go into the sensation until it passes.

" With this technique, when the sensation arises the you had previously called hunger, you ignore the thoughts that go with this, especially canceling that thought of hunger. Instead you go right into the sensation, directly into the inner experience of what you are actually experiencing. You go where you are experiencing it without labeling it, naming it, or calling it anything. You just experience it and begin to let go of resisting those sensations. You silently go into consciousness itself, into the inner experience of what you are experiencing, and let go of resisting it." ~ David R. Hawkins -- From the book - Healing and Recovery

By using this technique I have found that there is a limited amount of the "sensation", and since I am willing to sit with it and not resist it, it disappears rather quickly.

The part that I have found hard due to my own belief systems is the labeling of that sensation as hunger. However, I am getting really good at being willing to sit with the sensation without doing anything about it. I am also getting really good at not resisting the sensation.

So now when the sensation arises, it seems to pass withing seconds, and never last longer than a minute. It really depends on how long it takes me to ignore the thoughts that go with the sensation. I have noticed that the sooner I dismiss the thoughts, the sooner the sensation disappears.

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